22-24 May


what is DataFest Online?
A special edition of DataFest Tbilisi ​- an annual international conference about data, technology, and communications, bringing together the data community from Eastern Europe and Central Asia, to inspire and encourage, and to create meaningful connections.
Science and AI
Data Science and AI
Data Visualization
Journalism and Truth
Data Activism

Online speakers

  • Alberto Cairo
    Alberto Cairo
    Knight Chair in Visual Journalism @ School of Communication of the University of Miami | USA
  • Harry Stevens
    Harry Stevens
    Visual Journalist @ Washington Post | USA
  • Yaryna Serkez
    Yaryna Serkez
    Graphics Editor @ New York Times | Germany
  • Nadieh Bremer
    Nadieh Bremer
    Data Visualization Designer @ Visual Cinnamon | Netherlands
  • Gabrielle Merite
    Gabrielle Merite
    Independent Data Visualization Designer | USA
Secure a place
Day 1 Pass - 10 GEL
Access to only Day 1 talks
3-day pass - 30 GEL
Access to all talks, workshops, and datathons
Super pass - 150 GEL
Access to all talks, workshops, datathons, exclusive virtual spaces, 50% discount on the next offline event, DataFest Tbilisi gift box.